Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Early Christian Post 1

Beardless Jesus In The Catacombs. N.d. Photograph. Rome. By L. Michael White. Frontline. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <>.

I'm very fascinated by early Christian art. I was raised in a southern baptist home, therefore Christian art is nothing new to me. What I like about the above painting was that Jesus is being depicted as a normal looking, human man. There's no sun shining behind him, no long flowing hair, no well groomed beard, just a approachable young man. The early Christians were responsible for putting a face with a name when it came to personifying what Jesus might have looked like, and I have to say I prefer these images to those currently produced. 
Another thing I like like about the painting is the image of angel on the wall to the paintings right. I like that there's no extravagant features to the angel so the image of Jesus is more predominant. 

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