Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Romanesque-Gothic Post 1

N.d. Photograph. New Liturgical Movemnet. Ed. David Clayton. 9 Apr. 2010. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

Gothic art was much different from art developed prior to the movement. Everything from paintings, to sculptures, to architecture was different. Take for example the above painting of Mary with Jesus. In many of the earlier pieces of art Mary shows very little emotion and does not appear to be very motherly to her child. However, in this piece she is much softer and more affectionate. She  looks to be showing off her new baby for the artist to paint. 

Gothic Madonna and Child
Woods, Kathleen. Madonna and Child. 1999. Photograph. Uffizi Museum, Florence.Leafpile. 1999. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

In this piece she is interacting with the child in quite the same way a mother would. The baby appears to want to use his mother as a jungle gym, like many infants, and she is interacting with him in a way that suggests that she's trying to keep him from doing so. Her face is very soft and she has a slight smile. 

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